May 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

May 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

elitehonors-club-blogheaderelitehonors-club-blogheaderTeam Members are charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors qualified for the first time or maintaining the Elite Honors title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the May 2016 qualifiers!

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

12x Qualifiers
David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Steve & Roxanne Seely
Mark Comer

11x Qualifiers
Dianne Sandberg

10x Qualifiers
Dane Iorg
Lor Pace
K. Roger Carter

9x Qualifiers
David Munoz

8x Qualifiers
Daniel Priem
Belva Snow
Gwen Brown
Dr. Charina Holmes
Sandra Kerner

7x Qualifiers
Judy Feldhausen

6x Qualifiers
Susan Bober
Jean Lavallie
Dan Schellkopf
Sandra Rangel
Matt Lewis
Dwayne Loberg

5x Qualifiers
Dr. Prendergast
Pete Miller
Eva Miller
Robert Wischmeier
Dwayne Schmidek
Cliff Rosang
Joy Matwyshen
Mary Blakley
Anna Bergman
Dr. David Sim
Willa F. Holgate
Alex Medin
Dr. Jack Kucheran
Dr. Katheline Nash
Michael Quigg
Heath Johnston
Dr. Lyle Marcus-Love
Lise Quigg
Bonnie Tompkins
Daniel J. McNabb
Nathan Fowers
Jared Chadburn
Kim Kanazawa
Scott Rosang
Dr. Fred Gardner
Marion Sczesny
Dr. Derek Southers

4x Qualifiers
Richard M. Hartley
Reed Burnett
Brent Burnett
Joel Estrellado
Patrick Harms
Richard Matwyshen
Daniel Driedger
Dr. Patrick McCuaig
Edward Pula
Sarah Harms
Michelle Morrison
Dr. Glenn Clearie
Dr. Richard Johnson
Joel MD
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Ben Bills

3x Qualifiers
David Davidson
Brian Workman
Janice Marie Smith
Kerry Heitkotter
Kurt Ochsner
Dr. Tim Bogren
Dawn Bruce
Dr. Mark Warta
Dr. George Kosmides
John Paystrup
Michael T. Jacobson
Rick Cox
John Williams
Marty Robbins
Joyce Johnson
Marilinda Hales
Joe Brach
Nancy Chavez
Mindy Weber
Carole Burnett
Susan Bianchi
Dr. Terry Tolle

2x Qualifiers
Encore Health
Sherry Burns
Linda Hansen
Curtis Crough
Pamela Krajnik
Dondee Duncan
Michael Billauer
Tommy Dunn
George Bellack
Dr. Jeff Lupo
Dr.William Hood
Eric Cumbie
Rodney Garnett
Harlan Kamekona
Keiona Holland
Troy Hennessy
Roxanne Thornton
Lamont Hooks
Amber Jones
Darvel Fielding

1x Qualifiers
Sean Fuller
Kellie Turley
Norman West
Dawn Norton
Roger Hunt
Anne Hula
Wesley Anzai
Nathan Yoder
Christine Houston
Jerry Ulrich
Dr. Serena Singer
Deborah Jenson
Vivian N. Szczepankowski
Dianna Wimberly
Jan-Erik Ekornes
Ana Eiras
Merlene Woodland
Wendy Robinson
David Cooper
Gerard Mirandilla
John Pershing Smith
Vincent Leslie
Victor Borkacki
Jim McKoy
Margaret Rebo
Valeriy Pukhovich
Pamela Maxwell
Lilli Pease
Lisa Ortiz
Sara Kinney
Jade Santos
Jose Iribe
Linda Lacuran
Rose Warren
Kathryn Collette
Shannon Nixon
Tammy Akillano
Jeremy Christiansen
Izabel Salazer
Mike Hales
Caleb Ricca
Daniel Arana
Margaret Bailey
Carol Jeffries
Melinda Wood
Shane Logan
Christi Logan
Heather Garcia
Johnetta Jackson
Amber Riley
Sheila Williams
Adam Harvick

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

We are seeing great activity in June already. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

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