March 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

March 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

elitehonors-club-blogheaderelitehonors-club-blogheaderTeam Members are charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors qualified for the first time or maintaining the Elite Honors title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the March 2016 qualifiers!

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

10x Qualifiers
David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Steve & Roxanne Seely
Mark Comer

9x Qualifiers
Dianne Sandberg

8x Qualifiers
Dane Iorg
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
Lor Pace
Michael Burnett
K. Roger Carter

7x Qualifiers
David Munoz

6x Qualifiers
Daniel Priem
Belva Snow
Dr. Charina Holmes
Margie Dean
Sandra Kerner

5x Qualifiers
Sandra Rangel
Judy Feldhausen
Brad Burnett

4x Qualifiers
Gerri Bingham
Susan Bober
Jean Lavallie
Dan Schellkopf
Tammy Hester
Daniel J. McNabb
Matt Lewis
Dwayne Loberg

3x Qualifiers
Dr. Prendergast
Pete Miller
Evan Miller
Robert Wischmeier
Joy Matwyshen
Twila F. Hostetler
Mary Blakley
Anna Bergman
Dr. David Sim
Dr. Patrick McCuaig
Willa F. Holgate
Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer
Alex Medin
Michelle Morrison
Dr. Katheline Nash
Michael Quigg
Heath Johnston
Monte R. Stamper
Dr. Lyle Marcus-Love
Lise Quigg
Bonnie Tompkins
Kim Kanazawa
Scott Rosang
Dr. Joel
Dr. Fred Gardner
Marion Sczesny
Dr. Derek Southers

2x Qualifiers
Thomas Bethards
Brenda and Gary Smestad
Nicole McNamara
Dr. Brian K. Workman
Janice Marie Smith
Richard M. Hartley
Reed Burnett
Brent Burnett
Joel Estrellado
Patrick Harms
Richard Matwyshen
Kerry Heitkotter
Rosi T. Moosman
Daniel Driedger
Linda Hanson
Dawn Bruce
Dr. Bruce Lewandowski
Sarah Hars
Judith Allen
Dr. Glenn Clearie
Dr. Tom Wachtmann
Dr. Nelson Kraucak
Chris Chadburn
Gary Burnett
Virginia Dean
Brandon Lewis
John Williams
Brianda Garcia
Dr. Gumm
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Andrea Tesch
DJ Jacobsen
Joe Brach
Ben Bills
Tiffany Burnett

1x Qualifiers
Nell Lewis
David Davidson
William D. Styles
Roger & Deanna Hawkins
Lois Pedersen
Thu-Phuong Nguyen
Jacquelyn Bartlett
Ron & Bonita Dyck
Dr. Don Salyer
Dr. Corey Gray
Erc Poland
Janie Vincent
David Miller
Shelby Evans
Arnold Brod
Josh Waldner
Kyle Goss
Dr. Sarah Littlefiel
John Paystrup
Michael T. Jacobsen
Rick Cox
Irma Wengerd
Emilia Eiras
Dr. Dennis Meador
Kelly Fennelly
Dr. Jeff Lissenden
Marty Robbins
Israel Munoz
Tyson Banner
Christopher Sanchez
Mike Macomber
Jeff Lupo
Patricia Butkovich
Mira Kim
Greg Tomlinson
Dwayne Chapman
Stan and Nadia Harris
Anthony Intini III
Thernell Mills
Austin Bianchi
Robert H. Grant
Kevin A. Thompson
Dr. Mike Margolies
Lillian Berreth
Dr. Jimmy Yen
Melissa Gardner
Dr. Shane Huber
Susan Bianchi
Richard Hiler
Wande Diakite
Dr. Roy Hall
Calvin Godfrey
Dr. Terry Tolle

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

We are seeing great activity in April. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

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