Elite Honors Spotlight: Pamela & Terry Stovall

Elite Honors Spotlight: Pamela & Terry Stovall
The second month to qualify for Elite Honors came to an impressive close and dozens of names were added to the Elite Honors Club qualifiers list! A handful of Team Members qualified for the second month in a row. In addition, a number of qualifiers are going even further by maintaining and surpassing their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion.
Pamela & Terry Stovall, Silvers from New Mexico, have been with Synergy WordWide for four years, but stayed with company to enjoy the product benefits rather than take advantage of the business opportunity. The launch of Elite Honors was just what they needed to spark their interest in working the Synergy business. Terry said his upline’s enthusiasm for Elite Honors is what ignited his spark. Since engaging in the business, Pamela and Terry realized just how many people out there can benefit from what Synergy has to offer.

“They are so many people looking for an opportunity that will change their life, and I had no idea these people existed. I met many of these people over the last two months and they have become customers and distributors who are excited about Elite Honors. First, these customers and distributors realized that through Elite Honors they can make good money. Second, they knew the products were even more amazing than they initially realized. And third, they realized that $300 per month is just the beginning of what they can earn each month. It was exciting for them to know
that they could earn $600, then $900 and beyond. This was key to their excitement. They realized Synergy is different than other companies and could make a difference in their lives.

The excitement around Elite Honors continues to build when we get together in meetings. There is a lot of excitement in these meetings about Synergy in general. When others realize this explosion of enthusiasm they will be drawn to it.

Go Elite is a great incentive for me. I earned it in June, but didn’t quite make it in July. I’ve decided that in August I will rise to the level of success I had in June. Everyone wants to raise the bar on themselves and when you meet the Elite Honors level you want to do it again and again. This keeps the business alive and thriving.”

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