Elite Honors Spotlight: Tammy Hester

Elite Honors Spotlight: Tammy Hester
The second month to qualify for Elite Honors has come to an impressive close and dozens of names have been added to the Elite Honors Club qualifiers list! A handful of Team Members qualified for the second month in a row. In addition, a number of qualifiers are going even further by maintaining and surpassing their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion.

elite-honorselite-honorsTammyHesterTammyHesterTammy Hester, a Star from Florida, joined Synergy WorldWide in 2013 after losing her husband of 8 years—they had been together for a total of 30 years and his absence took a toll on her both emotionally and physically. Though she ordered the product regularly, she couldn’t commit to the business right away as she mended from her terrible loss. One and a half years after she signed up as a Synergy distributor, Tammy decided she needed to establish structure in her life and find something she could be passionate about, which is why she decided to do something with her Synergy business. She noticed her confidence increasing as she began striking up conversations about ProArgi-9+ in grocery stores, and sharing her passion for Synergy in airports. Tammy is one in a group of hardworking Team Members who qualified for Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion two months in a row.

“I’m proving that you don’t have to go into this business knowing anyone. You simply need to know how to strike up a conversation. Find an icebreaker. Always talk about the 120-day money-back guarantee. The product will sell itself. Elite Honors teaches that customer volume is an important part of the business and I believe profiling your contacts as distributors or customers is important. It’s OK to sign up a lot of people as customers, because those people usually build a belief in the product and become the devoted distributors.

To those wanting to become Elite Honors qualified, keep on keeping on. Just have patience and it will all eventually come full circle. Don’t get discouraged if a month goes by and you haven’t signed up a new distributor. Focus on keeping your customers. Also, you should always stay plugged in. Stay connected to the company because the more you listen to Synergy leaders, the more confidence you will have to go toe-to-toe with people you don’t know. Many people will say they aren’t good enough to accomplish a certain goal. If you are one of these people, you have to question why you believe it and then defeat that thought. Everyone is capable of achieving their dreams. I like what Henry Ford once said: ‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!’ So believe in yourself! That’s the first step to becoming successful. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get 500 CV in customer volume every month, because the important thing is that you are changing lives, and that’s huge!”

CLICK HERE to learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion.

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