Dan vs. Dan Update

Curious how the challengers are doing? It’s been just over one month since Synergy Founder Dan Higginson and President Dan Norman made a friendly weight-loss wager, and we are still well over a month away from the Business Builder Conference where the final weigh-in will take place. Who seems to be winning so far? Who is switching their typical breakfast to Health Shake? This video sent from Dan Higginson’s cell phone may provide the answer:

At an impressive pace, Mr. Higginson seems to be taking $1000 out of Dan Norman’s pocket.

Then again,
Dan Higgison is on his way to Cancun, joining North America’s Top 50 Team Members of 2013. Starting tomorrow, they’ll be enjoying a resort together that provides food, fun and more food. Will he remember to pack his SLMsmart Health Shake? Will he be able to say “no” to the sugary drinks and endless snacks? Will he be listening to Bon Jovi on the resort treadmills or just mariachi music on a poolside lounge chair?

This may be Dan Norman’s chance to pull ahead. Mr. Norman has reportedly lost 15 pounds. Though this is significantly less than his competition, he’ll be home this weekend, far away from tempting buffets, safely close to scoops of Health Shake.

On top of that, Dan Norman has not lost confidence. Not once has he declared defeat. In fact, after watching these videos, his response was a simple smile and the words “I’m not worried.”

How is your personal Smart Switch Challenge going? Are you still drinking Health Shake instead of a typical breakfast? Maybe you’ve been switching your lunch to Health Shake also? Don’t forget to tell us about it! Submit your Smart Switch Challenge forms to tell your story, and you will be put in the running for big prizes from Synergy WorldWide. On top of that, you’ll be on a track to healthy, maintainable weight-loss that brings a world of rewards your way.

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