SLMsmart Packs / December Promo Video
This month, Synergy proudly introduces three new ways to take advantage of the world’s smartest weight-management system. When you order any one of the new SLMsmart packs, we’ll include a free box of ProArgi-9+ Single Serve Citrus Berry packs in your order. To better understand these new packs and this month’s exciting promotion, enjoy the video below:
For more information on this month’s promotion, click here or contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.
SLMsmart Packs / December Promo Video
This month, Synergy proudly introduces three new ways to take advantage of the world’s smartest weight-management system. When you order any one of the new SLMsmart packs, we’ll include a free box of ProArgi-9+ Single Serve Citrus Berry packs in your order. To better understand these new packs and this month’s exciting promotion, enjoy the video below:
For more information on this month’s promotion, click here or contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.